Clinical practice guides on the Internet: searching for the best scientific evidence in Nursing

Section: Bibliographic search

How to quote

Fraga Medín C, Bojo Canales C. Guías de práctica clínica en Internet: buscando la mejor evidencia científica en Enfermería. Metas de Enferm may 2006; 9(4): 62-66


Cristina Fraga Medín, Cristina Bojo Canales


Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid)

Contact address

Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. C/ Sinesio Delgado, 8. 28029 Madrid.

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Clinical Practice Guides (CPGs) are documents compiling a series of guideless based on the best available scientific evidence responding to specific questions to be used in the taking of clinical decisions as flexible recommendations. The aim of this paper is to collect, describe and to comment a series of web sites relating to the search of the best Evidence-Based Nursing, specifically those in which the professional will find a complete CPG free of charge.


clinical practice guide; Evidence-based nursing; literature review; web resources; Internet

Versión en Español


Guías de práctica clínica en Internet: buscando la mejor evidencia científica en Enfermería