Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

ABRIL 2007 N° 3 Volumen 10

Plague control products and their effects on health

Section: Health and quality of life

How to quote

Rubia Ortega SM, Ramírez García E. Los plaguicidas y sus efectos sobre la salud. Metas de Enferm abr 2007; 10(3): 71-74


Susana María Rubia Ortega, Eduardo Ramírez García2


Diplomada en Enfermería, Auxiliar de Enfermería2

Contact address

C/ Monturiol, 21. 04700 El Ejido, Almería.

Contact email: susanarubia@ozu.es


In southeastern Spain, in the province of Almería, intensive crop farming in greenhouses constitutes the basis of the economy. At present, there are over about 30.000 hectares of crops being grown under plastic covers where nearly 80.000 people work. The high temperatures and high humidity content reached inside these greenhouses favour the proliferation of plagues that require the frequent use of plague control products. Nonetheless, the use of these products can lead to different types of intoxications amongst the workers, some of which can be extremely serious and pose a threat to life, with a death toll of nearly 1%. It is of outmost importance to teach health education in this area and to increase farmersí awareness of the seriousness derived from using these products incorrectly.

Versión en Español


Los plaguicidas y sus efectos sobre la salud