Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2007 N° 8 Volumen 10

Umbilical cord blood. Procedure for collection and donation and legal aspects

Section: Ethics and Society

How to quote

Acero Aguilar S, Guillén Cortijo V, Blanco Curví S, Herranz Márquez N, Carro Bravo MA. Sangre de cordón umbilical. Procedimientos de recogida, donación y aspectos legales. Metas de Enferm oct 2007; 10(8): 64-68


Sara Acero Aguilar, Vanesa Guillén Cortijo, Silvia Blanco Curví, Noelia Herranz Márquez, Mª de los Ángeles Carro Bravo


Diplomadas Universitarias en Enfermería.

Contact address

C/ Bécquer, 17, 5º C. 28932 Móstoles (Madrid).

Contact email: vanesaguillen78@hotmail.com


At present nobody questions the capacity of hematopoietic progenitors (HP) from umbilical cord blood (UCB), also called hematopoietic stem cells to produce hematopoietic regeneration in patients suffering from bone marrow disease (BM). Also, the possibility of ex vivo expansion and gene therapy applied to these HP extend the therapeutic applications of UCB cells. Given the importance of these applications, the objectives of this paper are to remind health professionals of the characteristics of stem cells and their possibilities as treatment, to disseminate the correct technique for the collection and handling of UCB cells and to inform on the current legal scenario in Spain. These measures will help improve the level information that is given to those individuals of the population that might ask for information relating this subject and to promote the donation of umbilical cord blood.


hematopoietic progenitors; umbilical cord blood; stem cells; correct collection technique for UCB cells; UCB cell donation

Versión en Español


Sangre de cordón umbilical. Procedimientos de recogida, donación aspectos legales