Perception of primary care nursing professionals regarding their training in dealing with the suicide of children and adolescents in Spain

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González López C, Cano Montes IM, Barrera Escudero M, Díaz Pérez I. Percepción de los profesionales de enfermería de Atención Primaria sobre su formación para el abordaje del suicidio de niños y adolescentes en España. RIdEC 2019; 12(2):11-7.


1 Claudia González López, 2 Isabel María Cano Montes, 2 Marisol Barrera Escudero, 2 Iris Díaz Pérez


1 Enfermera especialista en salud mental. Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz (Madrid).2 Enfermera especialista en salud mental.

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Perception of primary care nursing professionals regarding their training in dealing with the suicide of children and adolescents in Spain
Introduction: since 1969, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the training of health professionals in suicidal risk. The present literature review shows that the specific training of nurses in suicide among children and adolescents in Spain is scarce or non-existent, despite this being the third cause of death among young people. Primary care professionals play a crucial role in early detection and prevention, as they work at the gateway to the health system. The aim of this study is to investigate the perception of Primary Care nursing professionals regarding their training in this area.
Method: a mixed cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in 2017-2018 by means of a survey in Primary Care nurses selected using a non-probability sampling method through social networks and mailing lists. A descriptive and content analysis.
Results: a total of 313 Primary Care nurses from all over Spain were interviewed. Almost all of the participants stated that they did not perceive that they had the appropriate training to deal with suicidal behavior in childhood and adolescence.
Conclusions: training of nursing professionals is essential in order to allow offering appropriate care and adapting it to current health and social needs.


suicide; Primary Care; child; adolescent psychiatrycontinuing education

Versión en Español


Percepción de los profesionales de Enfermería de Atención Primaria sobre su formación para el abordaje del suicidio de niños y adolescentes en España

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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