Association of infant feeding, deleterious oral habits and oral/facial motor disorders in patients receiving orthodontic interventions

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Benevenuto de Oliveira MM, Silva IA, Bená Gregório JA, Pereira Gregório E. Associação entre aleitamento materno, hábitos orais deletérios e alterações de motricidade orofacial em pacientes sob intervenção ortodôntica. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2015; 5(3):8-14.


1 Márcia Maria Benevenuto de Oliveira, 2 Isília Aparecida Silva, 3 Janaína Angélica Bená Gregório, 4 Emerson Pereira Gregório


1 Enfermeira doutoranda da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP/SP), São Paulo, Brasil. 2 Enfermeira, orientadora Doutorada EEUSP/SP. 3 Fonoaudióloga da Secretaria de Saúde do Município de Cambé, PR, Brasil. 4 Médico. Londrina, PR, Brasil.

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Purpose: To analyze association of infant feeding interval, type, and kind with deleterious oral habits and oral/facial motor disorders in patients receiving orthodontic interventions in Londrina State University (Brazil).
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study based on data from 239 patients aged 5-14 years. Data had been obtained by means of questionnaires, handbook review, and phonoaudiological assessment of oral/facial movements, in order to assess infant feeding period (time), kind (breastfeeding and formula feeding), and type (exclusive or supplemented), and deleterious oral habits and oral/facial motor disorders. Associations of deleterious oral habits and oral/facial motor disorders with infant feeding time, kind and type were analyzed with non-parametric statistics.
Results: Patients without oral/facial motor disorders and those with no deleterious oral habits had a significantly longer mean exclusive breastfeeding time; p= 0.0097 and p< 0.0005, compared with those showing such disorders. Patients with oral/facial motor disorders and those showing deleterious oral habits had a significantly longer mean infant formula feeding time ; p= 0.0219 y p< 0.0005, compared with those not showing such disorders. Patients with deleterious oral habits had a higher (122%) risk for oral/facial motor disorders (p< 0.0001).
Conclusions: Exclusive breastfeeding was a protective factor against oral/facial disorders and deleterious oral habits.


teenager; culture; need; health protection; health protection

Versión en Español


Associação entre aleitamento materno, hábitos orais deletérios e alterações de motricidade orofacial em pacientes sob intervenção ortodôntica

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