Validation of a scale of leadership and management in nursing at Hospital Dr. Hernán Henríquez Aravena, Temuco, years 2011-2012

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Rivas Riveros E. Validación de escala de liderazgo y gestión en enfermeros del hospital Dr. Hernán Henríquez Aravena, Temuco, años 2011-2012. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2012; 2(1):27-36.


Edith Rivas Riveros


Enfermera. Doctora en Enfermería. Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco


Introduction: Leadership in health is understood as the basis for developing Clinical Management Model, which facilitates the achievement of the mission, vision and values development, allowing professionals to take actions and behaviors that lead to ensure sustainable management system of the organization.
Objectives: To validate scale nursing leadership and management of Hospital Dr. HHA, Temuco 2011-2012.
Methodology: Cross-sectional study, which determines the validity and reliability of psychometric scales of Leadership and Management Inventory. The unit of analysis is constituted by the items and tasks organization, information and communication, development and support of subordinates, and co-decision analysis. The sample is not random, intentional. The data collection was done through the “Inventory Scale Psychometric Leadership and Management”. The research met the ethical requirements of Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Results: Cultural adaptation back-translation method, there was equivalence with the original version. In facade valid agreement was reached close to 100%. The profile of the sample, the average age was 34.5 years, standard deviation 0.316 and 9.1 average working years. The 90.90% were women, 72.72% single, worked in shifts in 63.63% and 72.72% had management courses. In percentage distribution of the items of the scale the item “you describe and explain the decisions taken at the level of the organization in the hospital” met 45.45%, and the item “you describe and explain the consequences of policy decisions” 90.90% in the categories lesser extent and no action. The item “you know to ask the questions in clinical management in the levels of Hospital and how to impact” 74.34% and “has brought knowledge of the laws, agreements and directives affecting Hospital staff” 63.63% in the categories in very minor as a lesser extent and in any action.
Discussion and conclusions: We show deficits in decision making, conflict resolution, implying limitations in clinical management (delegation) and legislation. They are also poor information and communication. So to evaluate the management of the units described, validated instruments are needed to estimate the human resource decision making and communication aspects involved in effective management.


leadership; nursing; scales; validity (DECS)

Versión en Español


Validación de escala de liderazgo y gestión en enfermeros del hospital Dr. HERNÁN HENRÍQUEZ ARAVENA, Temuco, años 2011-2012

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