Health in the worldview of an indigenous community. Educational challenges with an Intercultural perspective

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Quintero Laverde MC, Torrado OP, Urrea C, Ospina O. La salud en la cosmovisión de la comunidad indígena. Retos educativos con perspectiva educacional. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2012; 2(2):10-6.


1María Clara Quintero Laverde, 2Olga Patricia Torrado, 3Carmenza Urrea, 4Oswaldo Ospina


1 Enfermera. Vicerrectora académica. Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia). 2 Médica pediatra. Profeso


Despite the process developed by some Latin American countries regarding public policies, the educational processes are not very effective in respect to community health, especially in the indigenous populations, where despite the need to assess practices related to the promotion and maintenance of health, based on the worldviews and relationships with nature, the recognition of intercultural perspective in health educational activities for these communities is not observed.
This research seeks to understand the perception of health and disease processes in the community Arhuaca Nabusimake of the Indigenous Reservation of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia) taking into account the respect and recognition of their worldview to promote intercultural education processes.
We conducted a focused ethnography to understand the concepts around health and illness in this community.
Understanding that the Arhuaco indigenous world is full of imaginaries and often invisible meanings to Western eyes makes it possible for community education to be an interaction where the teacher and the learner are transformed and enriched by each other.
One of the proposals arising from this research is the challenge of building an intercultural education, designing a curriculum for various disciplines in Health Sciences university education that includes the worldview of the communities.


community health education processes; indigenous populations; intercultural perspective

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