Pain care in newborns: effectiveness of breast milk or sucrose

Section: Reviews

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Mejía Trujeque A, Pat Catzim LC, Pérez H, May Uitz S. Cuidado del dolor en el neonato: eficacia de la leche materna o sacarosa. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2019; 9(4):48-60.


1 Alexis Mejía Trujeque, 1 Leydi Cristina Pat Catzim, 1 Héctor Pérez Martín, 2 Saúl May Uitz


1 Licenciada/o en Enfermería. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Yucatán, México.2 Doctor en Ciencias de Enfermería. Docente de tiempo completo de la Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Yucatán, México.

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Introduction: newborns require diagnostic and preventive procedures from the first days of life which are often associated with a painful sensation. Currently available data support the statement that the newborn is able to perceive pain, and that this causes short and long-term adverse effects. Among pain relief methods, non-pharmacological interventions are particularly important due to their safety, efficacy, and low cost.
Purpose: to assess the efficacy of breast milk compared to sucrose for pain care in neonates in NICUs.
Methods: a bibliographic review; the clinical question was translated into documentary language using Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS, Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud). A literature search was carried out in the following databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), LILACS, and Cochrane, using English, Spanish and Portuguese languages. Search strategy was based on Boolean operators (AND and OR); references older than five years were excluded.
Results: 35 papers were selected and assessed by means of the Spanish Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASPe); 13 did not fulfill the quality criteria and were excluded; 22 were finally evaluated and were assigned a level of evidence and a grade of recommendation using SIGN, OCEBM, and AATM scales. Currently, non-pharmacological measures are very important to provide comprehensive and quality care. Advances in care and management contribute to the survival of newborns who have undergone painful procedures or interventions.


newborn; Pain management; breast milk; sucrose; neonatal intensive care

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