Analysis of the perception of values in college nursing students

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Marqués Sánchez P, Pérez Rivera J, Quiroga Sánchez E, Arias Ramos N. Análisis de la percepción de valores en los alumnos universitarios de enfermería. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2012; 2(2):26-32.


1Pilar Marqués Sánchez,1Javier Pérez Rivera, 2Enedina Quiroga Sánchez, 2Natalia Arias Ramos


1 Profesores del Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia, Universidad de León, España. 2 Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de León, España. Grupo de investigación SALBIS.


Theoretical framework and objective: the objective of this paper is to analyze the system of values that students perceive, after a series of strategies implemented in the teaching-learning process in the School of Health Sciences.
Methodology: the questionnaire of values DpV-43 was given to 145 students. A descriptive analysis was applied and measures of central tendency, averages and fashion were calculated.
Results: students felt that the main value that should lead their college life was fellowship-cooperation.
Discussion: the authors propose strategies in the teaching-learning process to promote cooperation and cohesion among students, fostering knowledge transfer networks and friendship between the Schools of Nursing.


education; nursing students; values

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