Applicability of the bifocal clinical nursing model when managing patients with erysipelas

Section: Experiencias educativas

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Santos TJ, Araújo DC, Santos AD. Aplicabilidade do modelo bifocal da prática clínica de enfermagem na assistência ao paciente com erisipela. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2021; 11(4):69-75.


1 Thiago de Jesus Santos, 2 Damião da Conceição Araújo, 2 Allan Dantas Dos Santos


1 Graduando do Curso de Enfermagem. Universidade Federal de Sergipe/UFS. Lagarto, Sergipe (SE), Brasil. 2 Doutor em Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Federal de Sergipe/UFS. Lagarto, Sergipe (SE), Brasil.

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Objective: to inform about the experience of applying the nursing process to a patient with erysipelas, based on the Bifocal Clinical Nursing Model.
Description of the innovative educational experience: this is the experience report of a clinical case conducted during the activities of a Nursing Course subject in a Public University situated in Sergipe, North-East Brazil. The Bifocal Clinical Nursing Model by Carpenito-Moyet was used in order to build a structured plan of care. Standard taxonomies by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association were applied, the Nursing Outcomes Classification and the Nursing Intervention Classification.
Results: applying the model allowed the identification of three nursing diagnoses: Impaired skin integrity, Impaired bed mobility, and Toileting self-care deficit, as well as a Collaborative problem: erysipelas. Goals and interventions were built and coordinated between collaborative and nurse autonomy prescribing.
Conclusion: in view of the present study, the conclusion is that the nursing team is relevant in the care for patients with erysipelas, and that the preparation of the Care Plan based on the Bifocal Clinical Nursing Model allowed qualified and systematized care.


erysipelas; Nursing theory; nursing care; Hospital Care; infections

Versión en Español


Aplicabilidade do modelo bifocal da prática clínica de enfermagem na assistência ao paciente com erisipela

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