Virtual clinical simulation as a complememtary pedagogical strategy in nursing training: An Argentine experience during the COVID-19 pandemics

Section: Experiencias educativas

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Surbano-Rodriguez VB, Albertolli MM. Simulación clínica virtual como estrategia pedagógica complementaria en la formación de enfermería: una experiencia argentina durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2022; 12(2):25-34.


1Valeria Beatriz Surbano-Rodriguez, 2María de las Mercedes Albertolli


1Lic. en enfermería. Especialista en Educación Superior. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, Lic. en enfermería, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina.2Lic. en enfermería. Mg. en Gestión Integral de Servicios de Enfermería. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, Lic. en enfermería, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina.

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Introduction: when the healthcare emergency measures were implemented during 2020, the teaching staff from the care area for adult patients of the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM) Nursing Degree incorporated telesimulation in two subject areas addressing contents for the comprehensive and individualized care of patient adults, including knowledge, know-how, and the being of the Nursing profession.

Objectives: to document the training experience in the Nursing for Adult Care I and Nursing for Adult Care II subjects, which incorporated telesimulation activities, and to report the results of the opinion survey.

Population: 159 students who took at least one of the two subjects.

Development of the experience: the experience planning included: the evaluation of needs, learning results, equipment in terms of simulators, previous practice, pre-briefing, the roles of the teaching staff, debriefing, and the opinions by each group of participants. The simulation scenarios moved about areas 1 and 2. Seven scenarios were designed during the first stage; the next stage incorporated the VSim software.

Results: all the items evaluated received high scores.

Evaluation: results showed that virtual clinical simulation as a complementary pedagogical strategy in nursing training is useful in the learning process, because it encourages the development of non-technical skills, the integration of theoretical contents, and the implementation of nursing interventions by order of priority.


Nursing education; Research on nursing education; nursing students; Simulation; simulated training; patient simulation

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