Analysis of the end-of-career evaluation methods in nursing: Results of an educational experience

Section: Experiencias educativas

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Lagos Sánchez Z, Aldunate Gómez C, Moscoso Pavez C, Sotomayor Gajardo A, Fuentealba-Torres M. Análisis de los métodos de evaluación de fin de carrera de Enfermería: resultados de una experiencia educativa. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2022; 12(2):51-62.


1Zita Lagos Sánchez, PhD, 1Cecilia Aldunate Gómez, Ms, 1Paz Moscoso Pavez, PhD, 1Ana Sotomayor Gajardo, Ms, 1Miguel Fuentealba-Torres, PhD


1Académicos. Facultad de Enfermería y Obstetricia. Universidad de los Andes. Chile.

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Introduction: the end-of-career exam is an evaluation conducted at the end of an undergraduate program and in nursing programmes; this exam varies between different countries and institutions.

Objective: to analyse the relevance of the methods applied in the final exam of the nursing degree, based on the experience of the implementation of this exam on the critical analysis modality.

Description of the experience: the relevance of the end-of-career exam was determined through a focus group formed by nursing teachers; afterwards, results were triangulated with literature in an overview-type review; finally, results were consulted with a panel of graduate students and employers.

Results and Conclusions: ten (10) nursing teachers were interviewed; during the overview-type review, 10 primary studies were identified, and 11 graduate students and 13 employers were consulted. Scholars assigned a limited relevance to the end-of-career exam, while literature suggested a low rate of utilization. Both employers and graduate students considered that the end-of-career exam was not relevant as a predictor for final skills in the performance at work of the graduate nurses. It seems essential to reflect on the relevance of the end-of-career exam and the need to adjust the exam model based on the application of nursing clinical cases.


educational evaluation; Nursing education; nursing

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