Validation of the general self-efficacy scale in female breast cancer survivors

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Zúñiga-Tapia R, Sánchez-Oñate A, Aguayo-Verdugo N, Bustamante-Barahona P. Validación de la Escala Autoeficacia General en mujeres sobrevivientes de cáncer de mama. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2022; 12(3):21-9. Doi:


1 Rocío Zúñiga-Tapia, 2 Alejandro Sánchez-Oñate, 3 Natalia Aguayo-Verdugo, 4 Pía Bustamante-Barahona


1 Magíster en Enfermería. Universidad San Sebastián. Chile.2 Magíster en Investigación Social y Desarrollo. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad del Desarrollo.3 Magíster en Enfermería. Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente. Chile.4 Magíster en Dirección de Recursos Humanos y Habilidades Directivas. Universidad San Sebastián. Chile.

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Objective: to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) in Chilean female breast cancer survivors.

Methodology: the GSE was validated by applying it remotely through the online form during the period from September to November 2020, to 114 Chilean women who met the inclusion criteria: breast cancer survivors, not in relapse, having completed their cancer treatment until 2019, and accepting voluntary participation. Statistical tests were conducted to assess normality and reliability, and confirmatory factorial analysis to evaluate the construct validity of the scale.
Results: the behaviour of items was observed as homogeneous, with a mean interval from 3.26 to 3.67, and very similar standard deviations, between .60 and .74. On the other hand, the internal consistency analysis of the scale presented Cronbach’s alpha of α=
.907, based on the ten scale items. Confirmatory factorial analysis was also conducted in order to estimate the construct validity of
the GSE, by calculating the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO)= .902, and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity, which was statistically significant, . χ²= 606,152; p=.001.
Conclusions: the GSE, according to the measurements used, was reliable for use in the Chilean population of female breast cancer survivors, showing adequate behaviours and evidence of construct validity.


Self-efficacy; Breast neoplasia; validation study

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