The creative-sensible method in the training of nursing students at the National University Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque (Perú)

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Aranda Moreno L, Barrueto Mires OI, Celis Esqueche RV, Chanamé Carretero L, Vera Mendoza GA. Las metodologías creativo-sensibles en la formación personal de los estudiantes de enfermería en la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque (Perú). Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2013; 3(1):16-22.


1Lucía Aranda Moreno, 2Olvido Idalia Barrueto Mires, 3Rosa Violeta Celis Esqueche, 4Lucía Chanamé Carretero, 5Gloria Aidé Vera Mendoza


1 Enfermera. PPDE FE/UNPRG- Lambayeque (Perú). Presidenta de ASPEFEEN (Perú)2,3,4,5 Enfermera. PPA/FE/UNPRG- Lambayeque (Perú)

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This research had the objective of contributing to the process of personnel training of the students of the Nursing Faculty of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo. The object of study was the modification of the processes of formation of the nursing students, with the help of critical teaching and creative-sensitive methods. The theoretical basis are in Demo (1997a, 1997b), Evangelist (1998) and Waldow (1998).
We used the methodology of IAP with the following steps: 1. Creative-heuristic: discovery of the key creative processes (creative research). 2. Conversion and development processes in creative methods (didactics methodological creative). 3. Repetitive imitative: practice-systematic and reflective of a creative method (learning to be creative). 4. New: creativ-heuristic. (learn how to discover).
Population: students of the Faculty and students of the 5th, 6th and 7th cycle sample. To collect data using depth interview, the data were processed by thematic analysis.
The results of the first step: at the beginning, person who seeks to develop with materialistic vision. During vocational training: “A person who tries to train adequately”. Past: “A person filled with questions, doubts, but that each cycle will clarify what is his career”. Present: “Nursing student prepared that captures taught, human person, who likes to help others, dreamy future, be a good professional”.


training in nursing; sensitive creative dynamics; critical didactics; nursing students

Versión en Español


Las metodologías creativo-sensibles en la formación personal de los estudiantes de enfermería en la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque (Perú)

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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