Enfermería en Cardiología

Enfermería en Cardiología

SEPTIEMBRE 2018 N° 75 Volumen 3

Nursing role in the treatment of major electrocardiographic alterations: acute coronary syndrome



Juan Carlos Rubio Sevilla


Enfermero en el Centro de Salud de Torrijos. Toledo.Enfermero Especialista en Enfermería Geriátrica.Especialista en Investigación en salud. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (UCLM).Experto en Dirección de organizaciones sanitarias. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UCIII).

Contact address

Juan Carlos Rubio Sevilla. Comité Editorial Enfermería en Cardiología. Casa del Corazón Ntra.Sra. de Guadalupe, 5-7. 28028 Madrid


Thirty years ago, nitroglycerin, acetylsalicylic acid, morphic chloride and heparin were hardly available for the treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and infarction was classified depending on the presence or absence of pathological Q wave. In recent years, the variability in the clinical practice of patients with ACS has decreased in Spain and around the world. There have been many changes, such as in the expansion of the therapeutic arsenal, new combined drugs (polytablets) and health products. There have also been other changes in scientific evidence by virtue of multiple studies, structural and operational changes, improvements in prehospital care, etc. The higher complexity of these patients requires a multidisciplinary approach, with coordination among care levels and a protocolization of health care from the first contact to chronic follow-up.
The cardiology nurse has the responsibility to implement this knowledge in her clinical practice so as to allow the diagnosis, prognosis and survival of this type of patient to go on improving. Care provided must be guided by safety within the importance that the time factor has in these patients.


myocardial infarction; acute coronary syndrome; angioplasty; anticoagulants; fibrinolysis; reperfusionsecondary prevention

Versión en Español


Papel de enfermería en el tratamiento de las principales alteraciones electrocardiográficas: síndrome coronario agudo

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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