Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

ABRIL 2018 N° 1 Volumen 6

Satisfaction of women with delivery care

Section: Revisions


1 Ana Sánchez Fortis, 2 Carmen Sánchez Fortis, 3 María Dolores Pozo Cano


1 Enfermera. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Granada2 Enfermera Hospital Son Espases. Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares3 Matrona. Docente de Enfermería. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Granada

Contact email: sanchez.fortis95@gmail.com


Introduction: satisfaction perceived by mothers regarding the experience of childbirth is related to a number of factors. The insight of pregnant women on this process, should be integrated in order to know their needs and expectations.
Purpose: to identify the overall satisfaction of women during delivery care and to analyze the factors having an influence on it.
Methods: a review of the scientific literature from 2007 to current in databases Pubmed, Scopus, Cuiden Plus. Reverse review was also used.
Results and discussion: overall satisfaction with the delivery experience range from 24.4% to 92.5%. Regarding the factors related to satisfaction, significant associations were found with the fulfillment of expectations and the accompaniment of a person of choice. Although no significant association was found between the support of healthcare staff and the experience of childbirth, pregnant women considered the following factors to influence the satisfaction: interaction with healthcare professionals, information received during the process, and having the method of pain relief the patients choose.
Conclusions: the overall satisfaction of pregnant women with the care received during childbirth was high. The factors that most influence the satisfaction of women with childbirth are: the accompaniment of their person of choice, the support by healthcare professionals, receiving detailed and understandable information on the process that helps them make decisions and meet their expectations regarding delivery and in relation to pain relief.


patient satisfaction; delivery; care; experienceexpectations

Versión en Español


Satisfacción de las mujeres con la atención al parto

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