Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2009 N° 6 Volumen 12

Analgesic effectiveness of intradermal injections of sterile water into Michaelis stages of labour rhomboid during the first

Section: Featured Articles

How to quote

Martínez Galiano JM. Efectividad analgésica de las inyecciones intradérmicas de agua estéril. Metas de Enferm jul/ago 2009; 12(6): 21-24


Juan Miguel Martínez Galiano


Enfermero. Especialista en Enfermería Obstétrico-Ginecológica (Matrón), Sistema Sanitario Público Andaluz.

Contact address

C/ San Sebastián, 50, bajo B. 23640 Torredelcampo, Jaén.

Contact email: juanmimartinezg@hotmail.com


During the process of pregnancy one of women’s biggest fears is fear to labour pains. A 20% of women in labour describe the intensity of the pain as unbearable. The intra/subdermal injection of 0,05-0,1 ml of sterile saline at four predetermined sites in the sacral region, after 30 seconds of itching and/or pain, produces relief of lower back pain for 60 to 90 minutes. The injection can be administered by a doctor, midwife or nurse and may be repeated after one hour.
Objectives: to assess the perception of the analgesic effect of intradermal injections and to determine their possible impact on the newborn’s adjustment to extra uterine life, the type of delivery and the use of epidural anaesthesia.
Methodology: a non-randomised interventional study was conducted using retrospective successive measurements, in the health area of the “Ciudad de Jaén” University Medical Centre. The numeric scale for assessing pain intensity was used to measure the level of pain (0-10), taking into account the Apgar scores of the newborns at 1 and at 5 minutes of life.
Results: women scored the pain felt before the shot with a mean of 8,48 + 1,07 (6-10), the pain perceived as a result of the intervention with a mean of 9,20 + 0,88 (7-10) and the pain perceived after the intervention  with a mean of  2,48 + 1,63 (0-6). Mean Apgar score of the newborns was 8,62 + 0,85 (6-10) at 1  minute and 9,54 + 0,57 (8-10) at 5 minutes.
Conclusions: Intradermal injections of sterile water into Michaelis rhomboid were perceived as highly effective to diminish lumbar pain at the initial stages of labour. This intervention does not appear to have an impact on the adaptation of the newborn to extra-uterine life, the type of delivery or on the use of epidural anaesthesia.


labour and delivery; pain; analgesia; non-pharmacological methodsmidwives

Versión en Español


Efectividad analgésica de las inyecciones intradérmicas de agua estéril en el rombo de Michaelis durante las primeras fases del parto