Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

FEBRERO 1999 N° 12 Volumen 2

The nursing intervention in pain management in cancer patients

Section: Featured Articles


Margarita Chacón Roger


Licenciada en Enfermería. Investigadora Agregada. Departamento del Programa Nacional de Control del Cáncer. Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología. La Habana, Cuba.

Contact address

Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos, Hospital General Universitario “Gregorio Marañón”. 28007 Madrid.


Pain management of patients with cancer and their families’responses lie beyond the frame of clinical oncology. This is why it is necessary the interdisciplinary team interaction.

Contemporary nursing has identified the elements needed to face up efficiently the challenge of pain management of patients with cancer and they have established their own paradigm of activity. This not only takes into account routine care activities, but also recognizes the relevance of including in the action plan the management of psychosocial factors that influence pain experience. This paradigm to work reinforces social interactions of patients, families and health professional team trough taking control of communication. In addition, it facilitates the identification of what health professionals need to learn in order to assume these requirements. A new nursing education approach promoting development of psychosocial and communicative skills related with pain control is proposed.


psychosocial nursing communicationpain relieve and social nursing skills

Versión en Español


La intervención enfermera en el manejo del dolor en pacientes con cáncer