Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 1999 N° 18 Volumen 2

The Research Methodology course in the core curriculum

Section: Aula Abierta


1Mª José Muñoz París, 2Josefa Márquez Membrives, 2Carmen González Canalejo, 2Genoveva Granados Gámez

Contact address

Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería. Universidad de Almería. La Cañada de S. Urbano, s/n . 04120 Almería.


The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis about the state of the art of teaching research methodology to undergraduate nursing students in Spain.

Sample: 54 schools of nursing.

Methodology: Data collection trough telephone calls and web pages.

Results: Research methodology is a university mandatory subject in 20,8%; it is optional in 11,3%; it is part of the credits designed by the students in 1,9% and it has been taught under a different name in 17,08%. Research methodology has not been taught in 49,1% ofthe schools.


school of nursing; baccalaureate programresearch methodology

Versión en Español


La asignatura de Metodología de la Investigación en el currículum básico