Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MAYO 2002 N° 45 Volumen 5

The reflective diary and its application in the tutorised self-learning

Section: Teaching

How to quote

Betolaza E, Alonso I. El diario reflexivo y el autoaprendizaje tutorizado. Metas de Enfermería may 2002; 5(4): 14-18


1Encarnación Betolaza López de Gámiz, 2Isabel Alonso Durana


1Enfermera Especialista en Salud Mental, Profesora de la EUE de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Coordinadora de la Unidad Docente de la Especialidad de Enfermería de Salud Mental del País Vasco. Osakidetza/Servicio Vasco de Salud. 2Enfermera Especialista en Salud Mental. Tutora en la Unidad Docente de la Especialidad de Enfermería de Salud Mental del País Vasco. Osakidetza/Servicio Vasco de Salud.

Contact address

Escuela de Enfermería de Vitoria-Gasteiz. C/ José Achótegui, s/n. 01009 Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Contact email: vrpbeloe@vc.ehu.es


* The aim of this article is to communicate the results obtained from the evaluation of the reflective diary and its practical application in the tutorised self-learning of the nurse-residents in the speciality of mental health nursing.
* The use of the reflective diary as an educational tool stemmed from the consideration of the Resident as the focus of the educational process and the main protagonist of learning, and from the idea that significant learning implies an exercise in personal reflection. Having used it in the first cohorts of specialists, and after due evaluation, we have seen confirmation of the reflective diary as a basic educational tool as from the results obtained we have confirmed that it serves three main purposes: to bring to light sensations, reflections, and feelings experienced during practice; to record and follow up the activities carried out and the objectives achieved; and to collect data for evaluation of the resident.


reflective diary; mental health nursing; self-learning; tutoringclinical experiences evaluation

Versión en Español


El diario reflexivo y el autoaprendizaje tutorizado