Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2004 N° 9 Volumen 7

Is soy a food or a drug?

Section: Medicinal herbs

How to quote

Serrano A. La Soja, ¿alimento o fármaco?. Metas de Enfermería nov 2004;7(9):23-26


Alfredo Serrano Ruiz


Diplomado en Enfermería.

Contact address

Servicio de Farmacología Clínica. Hospital Puerta de Hierro. C/ San Martín de Porre, 4. 28035 Madrid

Contact email: aserrano.hpth@salud.madrid.org


Soy is a well known type of food that has been consumed for centuries in Asiatic countries, where it is one of the principal sources of protein for the population. Soy is attributed with multiple beneficial health properties such as its hypolipemiant, anti-inflammatory, or anticancerigenous properties. The high content of isoflavones found in soy has made it a popular alternative to hormone substitutive therapy during menopause after having discovered the unfavourable benefit/risk ratio that long-term treatment with HST has. The almost non-existence of controlled clinical trials, the lack of conclusive data on safety, the confusion in the nomenclature of soy derivates, as well as the different treatment given to it by the health authorities make soy a plant that at present generates a lot of controversy.


Soy; pharmacology; alternative medicine; interactions

Versión en Español


La Soja, ¿alimento o fármaco?