Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

DICIEMBRE 2010 N° 10 Volumen 13

Nursing care related with percutaneous tracheostomy

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Aibar Díaz A et al. Cuidados enfermeros relacionados con la traqueotomía percutánea. Metas de Enferm dic 2010/ene 2011; 13(10): 20-25


1Araceli Aibar Díaz, 2Vanessa Sánchez Martínez


1Enfermera de la Unidad de Anestesia Reanimación y Terapia del Dolor. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia.2Enfermera de la Unidad de Hospitalización Psiquiátrica Breve, Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. Profesora Asociada. Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Valencia.

Contact address

Araceli Aibar Díaz. Avda. General Palafox, 40, pta. 6. 46970 Alaquàs (Valencia).

Contact email: aibard35@gmail.com


Tracheostomy is a technique that is used to establish communication between the trachea and the external air. When compared with Surgical Tracheostomy (ST), percutaneous tracheostomy (PT) provides minimally invasive tracheal access, reducing the risk of haemorrhaging and infection, but also increasing the chances of accidental decannulation and cannula change difficulties.
The aim of this work is to describe the nursing care provided to the PT patient, using the language of the NIC and NOC nursing interventions and outcomes classifications and to explain the procedure to change the tracheal cannula, given that it is a technique performed by the nurse or in which the nurse actively collaborates side by side with the physician and for which recent contributions have been found in the literature. We found differences in terms of when to change the cannula for the first time and in terms of stoma care.


percutaneous tracheostomy; surgical tracheostomy; decannulation; NICNOC

Versión en Español


Cuidados enfermeros relacionados con la traqueotomía percutánea