Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

FEBRERO 2011 N° 1 Volumen 14

Efficacy of medication reconciliation in the prevention of adverse events

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Vázquez Campo M et al. Eficacia de la conciliación de medicación en la prevención de eventos adversos. Metas de Enferm feb 2011; 14(1): 28-32


1Miriam Vázquez Campo, 2Ángel Alfredo Martínez Ques


1Enfermera. Licenciada en Psicología. Complejo Hospitalario de Orense. 2Enfermero. Licenciado en Derecho. Satse Ourense.

Contact address

Miriam Vázquez Campo. C/ Juan XXIII, 10-9ºC. 32003 Ourense

Contact email: miriamvcampo@yahoo.es


Recent studies support medication reconciliation (MR) as an integral step in the process of care and as an important initiative for the patient´s safety. Despite this, these results have not been sufficiently evaluated.
Objective: to determine whether the reconciliation procedure is effective in the prevention of medication errors and/or to improve the outcome of health care.
Methodology: searchers were carried out in different electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scielo, Cochrane) and grey literature bases. Controlled and Randomised Clinical Trials (CCTs and CRTs) were selected and in their absence, other research designs (non randomised clinical trials or quasi-experimental studies) were selected. The participants were subjects from all age groups. The following results were included: rehospitalisations, visits to the ER, adverse events to drugs and mortality. Two foreign reviewers extracted the data and independently evaluated the quality of the studies using the Jadad scale.
Results: 163 articles were located and four were included to conduct the meta-analysis. The total number of patients was 1.259. MR significantly reduced the number of visits to the ER: (odds ratio 0,66; 95% CI: 0,48-0,90) and rehospitalisation rates: (odds ratio 0,87; 95% CI: 0,63-1,19).
Conclusions: MR is effective in reducing the rate of adverse events caused by medication errors and the rate of visits to the ER and hospitalisations.


health care quality; medication errors; patient safetyresearch

Versión en Español


Eficacia de la conciliación de medicación en la prevención de eventos adversos

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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