Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2011 N° 5 Volumen 14

Gender issues in doctoral theses on Nursing in Spain

Section: Method

How to quote

Rosendo do Nascimento E et ál. Cuestiones de género en las tesis doctorales sobre Enfermería en España. Metas de Enferm jun 2011; 14(5): 72-76


1Enilda Rosendo do Nascimento, 2Magdalena Santo Tomás Pérez


1 Doctora en Enfermería. Profesora Asociada de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Bahía/Brasil. Docente investigadora en

Contact address

Enilda Rosendo do Nascimento. Rua Monsenhor Gaspar Sadock, 89, ap02. Jardim Armação. Salvador de Bahía, Brasil. CEP 41760-200.

Contact email: enildarosendo@hotmail.com


Objectives: to analyse scientific production of nursing in Spain
according the gender of the individuals involved in such production and other context variables.
Methodology: quantitative study. Data were gathered in the TESEO database through electronic accesses based on the search terms: nursing, female nurse, male nurse. The analysis was carried out by reading of the titles and summaries, taking into account the gender as empiric reference for identification and discussion of the gender’s traits.
Results: 89 thesis were identified which had been produced mainly in the last five years, female authorship was 69,3%; most of these were directed by men (74,2%) and only 27% of the doctoral committees were chaired by women. The main areas of the theses were: education, nursing, psychology and medicine. The most covered item was work, including occupational stress and working conditions of nursing personnel.
Conclusion: even though women account for a large amount of thesis authorship, the proportion is lower to that of the total number of nursing professionals in the country. On the other hand, the greater number of men in the doctoral committee indicated the difficulties found by women, and particularly by nurses, to hold posts of greater social prestige, which reproduces the unequal relationships of gender and power distribution in the profession as well as in the university. It is however important to highlight that there are still few research projects associated with doctorate courses in nursing.


Gender; Nursing theses; scientific production in Nursing; women

Versión en Español


Cuestiones de género en las tesis doctorales sobre Enfermería en España