Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

DICIEMBRE 2012 N° 10 Volumen 15

The nurse played by the nurse in the genetic testing of hypoacusia

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Paniagua Martínez ME, Benito Orejas JI, Morais Pérez D. La gestión enfermera del estudio genético de la hipoacusia. Metas de Enferm dic 2012/ene 2013; 15(10): 50-54


1María Esperanza Paniagua Martínez, 2José Ignacio Benito Orejas, 3Darío Morais Pérez


1Enfermera del Servicio de ORL, responsable  de la consulta de genética de la hipoacusia. Centro de Especialidades Pilarica. 2Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, España.3Jefe de Servicio de ORL. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, España.

Contact address

María Esperanza Paniagua Martínez. C/ Madre de Dios, 4, 2º F. 47011 Valladolid.

Contact email: Epanmar.audio.gen@gmail.com


In 2001, following the initiation at the Valladolid University Hospital of a universal hearing screening program for congenital hearing loss, genetic diagnosis was included as part of the etiologic study protocol.
The shcedulling and implementation of audiological tests for patients and their families, the processing of applications, data recording and exchange of information with the genetic units, complicated so much the conductance of this diagnostic study that it endangered its viability.
Since 2008 the process was centralized in a consultation visit managed by a nursing professional specialized in audiological techniques, under the support of a specialist in ENT.
This paper presents the procedure that is carried out for genetic diagnosis of hearing loss and the results obtained since its initiation, which show the importance of this study, due to the frequency and therapeutic possibilities that arise from the availability  of having such consultation office.


diagnosis; genetics; hearing loss; medical-surgical nursing; nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing lossnursing consultation

Versión en Español


La gestión enfermera del estudio genético de la hipoacusia