Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2013 N° 6 Volumen 16

Efficacy of nursing intervention in treatment compliance for type 2 diabetic patients

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Lozano Del Hoyo ML, Armalé Casado MJ, Martes López C, Risco Otaolaurruchi MC, Martinez Menjón C, Bescos Pérez C. Eficacia de la intervención enfermera en la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2. Metas Enferm 2013; 16(6):21-26.


Mª Luisa Lozano Del Hoyo, José Armalé Casado, Carmen Martes López, María Concepción Risco Otaolaurruchi, Carmen Martinez Menjón, Carmen Bescos Pérez 


Enfermeras del Centro de Salud “Las Fuentes Norte”. Zaragoza.

Contact address

Mª Luisa Lozano Del Hoyo. C/ Escultor Félix Burriel, 1, 3º A. 50008 Zaragoza.

Contact email: mllozano@salud.aragon.es


Objective: to assess whether a clear intervention targeted at improving pharmacological treatment compliance (prescribed doses and
schedule) represents an improvement in their correct use and, consequently, an improvement in metabolic control (HbAc1 reduction) in patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
Method: Quasi-experimental before-and-after study of an outpatient intervention without control arm, during 2010-2011, with Type 2 diabetic patients from the services portfolio in the “Las Fuentes Norte” Public Health Centre, Zaragoza, with pharmacological treatment and
follow-up by the Nursing Unit. In order to assess treatment compliance by patients, direct methods such as basal glycemic and HbAc1 control were used, as well as indirect methods, such as structured interviews, based on a survey by consensus with investigators.
Results: 232 patients were studied, with a 50-50% split between male and female, and 56% of which were over 70-year-old. Before the intervention, 55.2% of patients had glycemia > 140 mg/dl; 45.7% had HbAc1 > 7%; 22% had LDL-cholesterol > 130 mg/dl and only 25% had BMI <27; and 70-3% of patients had triglycerides < 150 mg/dl. There was a change from poor to good compliance in 10.9% (5) patients on insulin treatment, in 49.3% (106) of those patients taking oral antidiabetic drugs, and in 17.2% (25) of patients on treatment with hypolipemiant agents. The rest of patients showed good compliance, and this was sustained until the end of the study. In patients with improvement in treatment compliance, there was a significant reduction in HbAc1 (p ≤ 0.001) regardless of prescribed treatment.
Conclusions: to insist upon the fact that taking the prescribed drugs will lead to an improvement in metabolic control. Patients with low compliance must be identified, and strategies must be developed to help them to acknowledge their medications and dosing regimen, such as handing out a personalized sheet with dosing and administration schedules.


chronicity; complianceType 2 diabetes

Versión en Español


Eficacia de la intervención enfermera en la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2

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