Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2013 N° 8 Volumen 16

Self-care in patients with radiological percutaneous gastrostomy

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Lizarbe Chocarro M, Guillén Grima F, Canga Armayor N. El autocuidado en pacientes portadores de gastrostomía radiológica percutánea. Metas Enferm 2013; 16(8):20-25.


1Marta Lizarbe Chocarro, 2Francisco Guillén Grima, 3Navidad Canga Armayor


1Enfermera. DEA por la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA). Servicio de Radiología Vascular Intervencionista, Hospital de Navarra.2Doctor en Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, UPNA. Profesor contratado, doctor en la Facultad de Enfermería de la UPNA. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud. Unidad de Medicina Preventiva, Clínica Universidad de Navarra.3Doctora por la Universidad de Navarra. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Navarra.

Contact address

Marta Lizarbe Chocarro. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Pública de Navarra. Avd. Barañáin s/n. 31008 Pamplona.

Contact email: mlizarbe@cfnavarra.es


A patient with dysphagia may be fed through Percutaneous Radiologic Gastrostomy (PRG)
Objectives: to determine the level of dependence for basic activities of daily life (BADLs) of patients with PRG, to describe their caretaker profile, and to assess the ability to conduct self-care and the relationship existing between these factors.
Materials and methods: descriptive study through survey, on 48 patients subject to PRG catheter replacement, between January, 1st and September, 30th, 2010. Patient characteristics were collected: age, gender, condition causing dysphagia, complications associated with PRG, and number of catheter replacements and Barthel Index (BI), and conduction of self-care regarding stoma, catheter, and enteral nutrition administration; and caretaker characteristics: formal or informal, gender, age, and family relationship with the patient. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis, as well as Fisher’s Exact Test and U Mann-Whitney Test; and multiple linear regression was used for multivariate analysis.
Results: a population with an average age of 65.81, female (60.41%) and suffering neurological dysphagia (85.41%), with a major complication rate of 4.1% and a median of 9.52 replacements. Median BI of 25.94. Formal caretaker in 14 patients and informal in 20 (direct relative, female and over 50-year-old). 13/48 patients have conducted self-care. The 77.8% of catheter replacements is explained through a multiple linear regression model, being positively associated (X2=48.00, p<0.01) with the months during which the gastrostomy remains placed and self-care is conducted, and negatively with BI.
Conclusions: conducting or not conducting self-care has an impact on the number of PRG catheter replacements.


dysphagia; gastrostomy; enteral nutrition; gastric catheter; self-care; caretaker; research in care; healthcare educationprimary care

Versión en Español


El autocuidado en pacientes portadores de gastrostomía radiológica percutánea

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