Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2013 N° 8 Volumen 16

Effectiveness of oral presentation and defense of the End of Career Project

Section: Teaching

How to quote

Eficacia de la presentación oral y defensa del Trabajo Fin de Grado. Sánchez Martos J, Gamella Pizarro C. Metas Enferm 2013; 16(8):28-32.


1Jesús Sánchez Martos, 2Carmen Gamella Pizarro


1Catedrático de Educación para la Salud. Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.2Profesora Titular de Educación para la Salud. Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Contact address

Jesús Sánchez Martos C/ Isla de Alegranza, 19. 28035 Madrid.

Contact email: jsmartos@ucm.es


Training in “effective communication skills” should be considered a core subject in all universities, if the aim is really, as in our case, to train Professional Nurses who know and control nursing care and all disciplines required, but who can also, and this is very important, not only apply but also “explain what they know” in all settings of their professional development, both with healthy and ill people, as well as with the scientific­ community; and particularly if, in order to end their university studies, currently the law imposes that all students should present and defend in public and before a tribunal an End of Career Project (ECP), through which they must show their competences, not only scientific-technical, but also regarding verbal exposition and defense of said Project, because these items are also part of which the tribunal members must assess. As happens in any scientific event, besides “knowing what you are saying”, it is necessary to “know how to communicate what you know”.
This is not only about preparing a “good Power Point”, but also about its being really useful as “support and not replacement” of the oral
presentation. Resources such as the tone of voice, the exposition rhythm, silences, invitation to reflection and the good use of audiovisual media, as well as offering the professional and personal image which each one has decided to convey to the final message receivers. When someone speaks in public, they must “have enough arguments and foundations”, “know how to start”, and “know how to end”. Three essential elements in the training of a good communicator. With this paper, we intend to offer some reflections and tools in order to help to improve “communication skills” in general and, specifically, applied to this last subject in the Career studies, in order to obtain the Nursing Degree.


End of Career Project; Nursing students; oral presentationNursing Degree

Versión en Español


Eficacia de la presentación oral y defensa del Trabajo Fin de Grado

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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