Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2014 N° 7 Volumen 17

Efficacy of nursing intervention in the improvement of the nutritional status of hospitalized patients with mental health disorders

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Gil Guiñón F, Vílchez Estévez MC, Feria Raposo I, Pastor Ramos M, Ávila Villafuerte A, Jiménez Rodríguez M. Efectividad de una intervención enfermera en la mejora del estado nutricional de pacientes con trastornos de salud mental hospitalizados. Metas Enferm sep 2014; 17(7): 26-31.


1Ferran Gil Guiñón, 2Mª Carmen Vílchez Estévez, 2Isabel Feria Raposo, 3Mónica Pastor Ramos, 2Ángel Ávila Villafuerte, 2Miriam Jiménez Rodríguez


1Enfermero. Máster en Psiquiatría y Salud Mental. Hospital Benito Menni CASM. Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona).2Enfermera especialista en Salud Mental. CASM. Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona).3Enfermera especialista en Geriatría. CASM. Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona).

Contact address

Ferran Gil Guiñón. Avda. San Salvador, 51-59, 2º, 2ª. 08913. Badalona (Barcelona).

Contact email: fgil@hospitalbenitomenni.org


Objective: to assess the potential contribution of a program based on the Nursing Care Process, targeted to the improvement of the nutritional status of hospitalized patients with mental disorders.
Method: interventional before-after study, conducted on patients hospitalized in the Acute Psychiatric Unit, with malnutrition or at risk, during the first four months of 2012.The primary dependent variable was the nutritional status measured through the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA); the NOC (Nursing Outcome Classification) objective indicators were also used: appetite, nutritional status, weight maintenance behaviour, and self-care: eating. The NIC (Nursing Intervention Classification) intervention conducted was “Nutrition Management” for the improvement of nutritional status. For comparison of mean levels of the different measures (MNA before and after), Student’s t test was used for paired data.
Results: seventy-four (74) patients were studied. A 47,3% had mood disorders, and 43,2% suffered schizophrenia. At discharge from the unit, statistically significant differences were found in all variables analyzed. The improvement in nutritional status, according to the MNA questionnaire, occurred both in Scale A (difference in mean values: -2,23; CI95%: -2,67, -1,79) and in Scale B (difference in mean values: -1,54; CI95%: -2,02, -1,05).
Conclusions: the NIC Nursing Intervention “Management of Nutrition”, as the core of the nutritional program, has contributed to improve the nutritional status of hospitalized patients, and this has been reflected in the improvement in nutritional status according to the MNA questionnaire, in the reduction of the level of dependence regarding diet, and in the achievement of associated NOC objectives.


nutritional status; diet; nursing intervention; NIC; Nursing results; NOC; mental disorder; research; before-after study

Versión en Español


Efectividad de una intervención enfermera en la mejora del estado nutricional de pacientes con trastornos de salud mental hospitalizados

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