Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

DICIEMBRE 2016 N° 10 Volumen 19

Strategies for coping with ocuppational stress in Nursing

Section: ArtículoEspecial

How to quote

Arrogante O. Estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés laboral en Enfermería. Metas Enferm dic 2016/ene 2017; 19(10): 71-76.


Óscar Arrogante


Doctor en Psicología. Diplomado en Enfermería. Profesor adjunto del Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud San Rafael-Nebrija. Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid)

Contact address

Óscar Arrogante Maroto. Pº de la Habana, 70 bis. 28036 Madrid.

Contact email: oarrogan@nebrija.es


The Nursing Staff is a group exposed to high levels of occupational stress. Coping strategies act as mediator variables between the stress perceived and its negative consequences, such as the Burnout Syndrome. The objectives of this article are to define the concept of coping strategies and their classification, to expose the empirical evidence found in nursing research, and to describe the main interventions for their development. Said interventions are: specific workshops or programs for the development of adaptive coping strategies (based on clinical simulation), and strengthening social support, relaxation techniques, change in wrong cognitions, and briefing sessions or meetings. Said interventions should be promoted from universities and healthcare institutions, because this would not only make it easier for nursing professionals to alleviate and minimize the negative consequences of occupational stress, but would also improve their daily clinical practice.


Psychological adaptation; psychological stress; emotional exhaustion; clinical simulationburnout

Versión en Español


Estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés laboral en Enfermería

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