The knowledge and attitudes towards breastfeeding of mothers at a BFHI hospital

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García García N, Fernández Gutiérrez P. Conocimientos y actitudes de las madres ante la lactancia materna en un hospital IHAN. Metas Enferm feb 2018; 21(1):50-8.


Nuria García García1, Patricia Fernández Gutiérrez2


1Enfermera residente de Pediatría. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda (Madrid)2Enfermera Especialista de Pediatría. Tutora EIR Pediatría. Unidad de Neonatología. Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda (Madrid)

Contact address

Nuria García García. C/ Consejo, 2, 3º C. 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid).

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Objective: to establish the knowledge, attitude and practice towards breastfeeding (BH) among mothers before being discharged from a hospital with BFHI accreditation.
Method: an analytical transversal study was conducted at a university hospital, on March and April, 2017. The women recruited were hospitalized at the Obstetrics Unit and Pediatric Unit, after delivery or caesarean birth. A booklet was designed for data collection, including the following data; sociodemographical, obstetric, of the newborn and family, as well as an evaluation of the knowledge, attitude and practice towards BF. A descriptive analysis was conducted with the SPSS v. 15 statistical program.
Results: there was 96% participation: 96 mothers, 54% of them first-time mothers. The proportion of exclusive breastfeeding at discharge was of 87.5%; 90.5% of women reported having family support, 70.8% of women were aware that exclusive breastfeeding is recommended until the child is 6-month-old; 41.4% of mothers believed that the frequency of feeding with mother milk for a < 6-month-old baby should be on demand, and 36.8% every 3 hours. Overall, 91.7% of women considered that mother milk was the ideal food for babies. There was a predominantly neutral attitude towards BF (55%) followed by a positive attitude towards BF (45%).
Conclusions: the women in the study demonstrated having knowledge about BF, even though there were gaps in some points of interest. They had a positive or neutral attitude towards BF, based on the questionnaire used. In the practice setting, almost 90% of women were discharged with exclusive BF. As this was a BFHI hospital, results were favourable, but there was room for improvement in the three dimensions.


breastfeeding; BFHI hospital; breast milk; artificial milk; breast milk banks

Versión en Español


Conocimientos y actitudes de las madres ante la lactancia materna en un hospital IHAN

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