Adaptation of the “Expectations and Knowledge Received in the Hospitalized Patient” Score to the setting of patients on dialysis

Section: Originals

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Reyes-Mina E, Cahuancama-Solano E, Zabalegui A. Adaptación de la escala Expectativas de Conocimiento del Paciente Hospitalizado al contexto del paciente en diálisis. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2020; 23(6):14-26. Doi: 81614


Ebling Reyes-Mina1, Elena Cahuancama-Solano2, Adelaida Zabalegui3


1Enfermera. Equipo de complemento. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona2Enfermera. Instituto de Nefrología y Urología. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona3Doctora en Enfermería por la New York University. Dirección de Enfermería. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Miembro de la Junta de la Campaña Nursing Now

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Ebling Reyes Mina. Equipo de complemento. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Carrer de Villarroel, 170. 08036 Barcelona.

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Objective: to prepare the adaptation of the Spanish version of the “Expectations and Knowledge Received in the Hospitalized Patient” score to the setting of patients on dialysis.
Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in 2015. The study participants were all >18-year-old patients on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis from the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. For scale adaptation, an appearance and contents validation was conducted, as well as test-retest and a pilot study. The internal consistency of the scale was analyzed by estimating its Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.
Results: five new items were included to the original scale, thus creating a 45-item instrument formed by six dimensions: biophysical, functional, experiential, ethical, social and financial. The pilot study included 80 subjects. The internal consistency of the “Expectations for Knowledge in Patients on Dialysis” scale (ECPD) for this pilot study presented for each one of the dimensions a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient ranging between 0.727 and 0.924.
Conclusions: the scale adapted to patients on dialysis (ECPD) has shown good validity in appearance and contents, and reliability over time. The internal consistency in the pilot study reports that this could be a useful and reliable scale, pending confirmation through construct validity.


health education; knowledge; empowerment; dialysis; validation

Versión en Español


Adaptación de la escala Expectativas de Conocimiento del Paciente Hospitalizado al contexto del paciente en diálisis

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