Psychometric validation of the COPE-Index questionnaire (Carers of Older People in Europe)

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González-Luis J, Alonso-Maza M, Fernández-Pascual S, Toro-Flores R, Cuesta-Lozano D. Validación psicométrica del cuestionario COPE-Index (Carers of Older People in Europe). Metas Enferm dic 2020/ene 2021; 23(10):7-16. Doi: MetasEnf.2020.23.1003081676


Julio González-Luis1, Miriam Alonso-Maza2, Sergio Fernández-Pascual3, Rafael Toro-Flores1, Daniel Cuesta-Lozano4


1Doctor. Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias. Madrid2Doctora. Hospital Dr. Rodríguez Lafora. Madrid3Doctor. Residente Inmunología. Hospital Universitario La Princesa. Madrid4Doctor. Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud. Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

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Julio González Luis. C/ Lérida, 8. 28020

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Objective: to describe the psychometric validation process of the COPE-Index instrument for the Spanish population.
Method: a validation study of the COPE-Index questionnaire, which consists of 15 items classified into three sub-scales: assessment of negative impact, assessment of positive impact, and quality of support. The study subjects were 165 carers for older people, from the Madrid Association of Relatives
of Alzheimer’s Patients. The main measurements were:
the feasibility of the COPE instrument, internal consistency, ceiling and floor effect, exploratory factor analysis, convergent and divergent validity (the PACS, Duke-Unc and SF-12 questionnaires were used for this).
Results: the study sample was formed by 150 subjects (90.9% response rate). Of these, 65.33% (n= 98) were female, and their mean age (SD) was 64 (12.23). Results appeared reliable in terms of internal homogeneity regarding the negative sub-scale and the quality sub-scale (Cronbach’s alphas > 0.7), and lower in the positive sub-scale (Cronbach’s alpha: 0,61). Neither ceiling nor floor effect were observed. The construct validity confirmed three dimensions of the COPE questionnaire, which explained 52% of the total variance. In the convergent / divergent validity tests, the scores from the positive sub-scale of the COPE questionnaire were correlated with the PACS questionnaire items, the negative sub-scale of the COPE questionnaire was associated with the questions from the Duke-Unc questionnaire, and finally, the quality sub-scale of the COPE questionnaire was correlated with the items from the second version of the SF-12 instrument.
Conclusion: the Spanish version of the COPE-Index questionnaire was valid and reliable to identify the positive, negative and quality aspects of care in caregivers for elderly persons.


Surveys; questionnaires; psychometry; caregivers; older person

Versión en Español


Validación psicométrica del cuestionario COPE-Index (Carers of Older People in Europe)

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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