Social trascendence of a research on breastfedding at the Universidad de Costa Rica

Section: Reviews

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Aguirre Vidaurre E. Trascendencia social de las investigaciones sobre lactancia materna en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2018; 8(3):38-46.


Ernestina Aguirre Vidaurre


Profesora asociada de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Enfermera. MSc en Administración Pública. Directora del Postgrado de Ciencias de Enfermería. Coordinadora de la Maestría en Enfermería Quirúrgica.

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Introduction/objetive: an analysis of the impact of the research on breastfeeding conducted at the Universidad de Costa Rica during the years 2000 to 2010. The research objective focused on describing the deep outcomes of said research.
Methodology: a quantitative, descriptive research; information selection and collection were conducted through search of studies within the Universidad de Costa Rica libraries. Bibliography cards were prepared for the presentation of outcomes, and materials were ordered according to a matrix containing title, period of time, objectives, methodology and results.
Results: data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Most research was conducted by nursing staff, followed by Nutrition and Microbiology staff. Research was classified into the following modalities: thesis: 40%, practical training: 40%, graduation projects: 13.33%, and seminars: 6.66%. There was emphasis both in the development of educational programs to encourage breastfeeding among mothers from the first level of care, and in the creation of breastfeeding clinics in different hospitals throughout the country.
Discussion: education appears as an empowerment strategy. On the other hand, there was evidence of higher exclusive breastfeeding in country areas. Besides, in the comparison between breast milk and baby formula, the latter present a higher tendency towards developing some specific microorganisms.
Conclusions: ot is appropriate to highlight that this is one more scenario that provides knowledge about nursing activity, because most research studies were conducted and published. Besides, it generated for the academic unit the creation of the university communal work titled: TC-622 Strategies for promoting an effective and prolonged breastfeeding.


breastfeeding; human milk

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Trascendencia social de las investigaciones sobre lactancia materna en la Universidad de Costa Rica

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