Accumulation and social representations: a nursing and mental health approach in Montevideo, Uruguay

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Díaz-Ocampo A, Umpiérrez-Chávez G, Da Rosa-Jardi VM, Heck RM. Acumulación y representaciones sociales: un enfoque desde enfermería y salud mental en Montevideo, Uruguay. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2019; 9(3):17-28.


1 Dr. Álvaro Díaz Ocampo, 2 Dra. Graciela Umpiérrez Chávez, 3 Prof. Dra. Vanda Jardim, 3 Prof. Dra. Rita Heck


1 Profesor Agregado. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Uruguay. 2 Profesora Agregada. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Uruguay. 3 Profesora. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pelotas. Brasil.

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Purpose: the present paper summarizes the main contributions by the PhD thesis "Accumulation and social representations during life, Montevideo, Uruguay”. The overall endpoint of this work is to investigate the relationship between accumulating behaviors and social representations, according to Moscovici and Jodelet. More specifically, it seeks to establish this relationship from four perspectives: people who accumulate, their neighbors, family members, and technicians. An overall sample of 21 subjects was selected, including six, seven, three, and five subjects in each group, respectively.
Methods: a qualitative method was used and data were collected based on semi-structured interviews.
Results: the results arose from field observations and from interaction with study subjects, as well as from an inferential approach with emphasis on the theory of social representations and anthropological nursing. Our results allow a link to be established between accumulating behaviors and social representations associated with patterns of thought and behavior coming from the capitalist, accumulating and goods-hoarding society. Along with such psychosocial motivation for accumulating behaviors other factors of incidence can be found, which are more specifically psychological and personal, and depend on a compensation mechanism for affective deficiencies, and not only financial.
Conclusions: this subject contributes to nursing through the inclusion of a complex human phenomenon, with a psychological, social, and environmental impact, that has had little research development in Uruguay and requires an integral approach from the health sciences, mental health, and community health.


enfermagem; acumulação; saúde mental; representações sociais; saúde comunitária

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