Acupressure or manometer: a nursing analysis in the prevention of endotracheal complications in intensive therapy

Section: Reviews

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May Uitz S, Cauich Cem LY, Cen Tun WM, Uicab Tec JD. Digitopresión o manómetro: un análisis de enfermería para prevención de complicaciones endotraqueales en terapia intensiva. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2019; 9(3):49-57.


1 Saúl May Uitz 2 Laura Yolanda Cauich Cem, 2 Wendy Margarita Cen Tun, 2 Jorge David Uicab Tec


1 Doctor en Ciencias de Enfermería. Docente de tiempo completo. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Yucatán (México).2 Enfermera. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Yucatán (México).

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Purpose: to compare the technique of acupressure versus manometer use for the prevention of endotracheal complications in intensive care adult patients through a literature review.
Methods: a literature review based on the databases PubMed (NCBI), Lilacs, and DOAJ; the PICO question was translated into a documentary language through DeCS, in Spanish, English and Portuguese; search strategy was based on Boolean operators (AND and OR), filters and truncation (*). Evidence from the last five years was considered; references comparing other techniques different from the question were excluded. Based on the search, 40 references were evaluated through the CASPe Program; 15 were excluded because they did not meet the quality criteria; the remaining 25 were evaluated to assess the quality of the evidence based on their design, using the grading systems SIGN, USPSTF, OXFORD, CTFPHC, Sackett, and NICE, and finally 20 references were left.
Results: the literature review based on papers presenting scientific evidences in nursing practice showed the importance of endotracheal tube pressure care, since variations in the specific technique, size of endotracheal tube and other patient's factors have an impact on the established range.
Conclusion: the comparison of acupressure versus manometer pressure shows that the manometer is widely recommended as an intervention in the care for the prevention of complications, since it allows precise recording and monitoring to optimize a range of 20-30 mmHg; scientific evidence shows an appropriate maintenance to prevent endotracheal risks.

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