Management of fever: a comparison of antipyretics vs. cryotherapy in adult patients with sepsis

Section: Reviews

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Hernández Solís EJ, Dzul Peba FJ, López Damián MC, Madera Poot GJ. Manejo de la fiebre: comparación de antipiréticos y crioterapia en pacientes adultos con sepsis. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2020; 10(1):28-37.


1 Estela de Jesús Hernández Solís, 1 Freddy Jesús Dzul Peba, 1 Miguel Cuauhtémoc López Damián, 1 Genny Josefina Madera Poot


1 Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Facultad de Enfermería. Unidad de Posgrado e Investigación. Especialización de Enfermería en Terapia Intensiva. México.

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Introduction: a controversy has been observed in clinical practice between lowering or maintaining body temperature by means of antipyretics vs. cryotherapy in patients with sepsis. A systematic review was carried out using databases.
Purpose: to compare management of fever with antipyretics vs. cryotherapy in patients with sepsis, and to suggest recommendations for the adult intensive care unit.
Methods: a literature search was performed in the following databases: EBSCO, Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs, Cochrane, and BDigital. Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT, NEXT, NEAR, and truncation (*), (**) were used. The DeCS/MeSH descriptor was used to validate search terms. Inclusion criteria were: patients admitted to intensive care units, adult patients with sepsis and fever 38.3 ºC to 39 ºC being treated with antipyretics or cryotherapy. Exclusion criteria were: newborn and pediatric patients and patients with heart disease, head injury, or renal disease; as well as studies with a low level of evidence, studies not using antipyretics or cryotherapy to manage fever, and articles older than five years.
Conclusions: existing evidence shows that use of cryotherapy improves survival and lowers the risk of mortality by 53% compared to antipyretics, with no impact on patient's hemodynamic stability. It also suggests using cryotherapy as a first choice to maintain body temperature in patients with 38.3 ºC to 39 ºC fever.


sepsis; hyperthermia; cryotherapy; antipyreticsintensive care

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