Contributions of humanism in nursing education

Section: Reviews

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Guillén Cadena DM, Cuevas Guajardo L. Aportaciones del humanismo en la formación de las enfermeras. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2012; 2(2):42-5.


1Dulce María Guillén Cadena, 2Leticia Cuevas Guajardo


1 Profesora Titular “A” TC. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. 2 Profesora Titular &ldquo


This work stems from many years experience training nursing professionals and of the interest in highlighting the importance of humanism in the provision of care, which does not arise spontaneously but first must be taught and then put it into practice during the professional practice.
The humanization of care requires a human being-centered process. During the students’ training the reciprocal, authentic and with an unique quality communication with the person must be promoted. The nurse is the right person to support the person in order to increase harmony within the mind, body and spirit. From this point of view, care not only requires that the nurse is a scientific, academic and clinical professional, but also a humanitarian and moral agent, as well as a partner in human care transactions.


humanism; nurses; training

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