Effects of dating abuse on university students: an integrative review

Section: Reviews

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Rodríguez-Bonilla C, Guerrero Ramírez AM, Ramírez Chavarría Y, Muños Rojas D. Efectos de la violencia en el noviazgo en estudiantes universitarios: una revisión integrativa. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2022; 12(1):55-69.


1Carolina Rodríguez-Bonilla, 2Adriana María Guerrero Ramírez, 3Yerlin Ramírez Chavarría, 4Derby Muñoz Rojas


1 Licenciada en Enfermería. Universidad de Costa Rica. Sede de Occidente. San Ramón. Costa Rica. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0601-2729. 2 Licenciada en Enfermería. Universidad de Costa Rica. Sede de Occidente. San Ramón, Costa Rica. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8157-5161. 3 Licenciada en Enfermería. Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede de Occidente. San Ramón, Costa Rica. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2374-6142. 4 Doctor en Enfermería. Profesor Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Costa Rica. San José. Costa Rica. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2143-4716.

Contact email: carolinarb98@gmail.com


Objective: the objective of this review was to analyse the literature available for identifying the effects of dating abuse on university students.

Methodology: the methodology used was an integrative review based on the research question: What are the effects of dating abuse on university students? A search was conducted for articles with qualitative and quantitative approaches in scientific databases and using key words. The inclusion criteria were: having been published in English or Spanish between the years 2000 and 2020 and with populations of university students. The exclusion criterion was that the text was incomplete. The information was read and analysed, and patterns were identified regarding the consequences of this type of violence, and classified into categories and subcategories according to similarities. Said groups were assigned a label according to their characteristics, and a definition with their respective examples.

Results: results suggest that the effects of dating abuse are broad, and reflected in the different areas of individuals, including psychological, social, physical, sexual and academic consequences. The effects more frequently mentioned in literature include abuse of psychoactive substances, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, social isolation, physical lesions, unwanted pregnancies, and poor school performance.

Conclusions: dating violence entails multiple effects and has a negative impact on different areas of the persons involved. Likewise, the knowledge of the effects of dating abuse allows nurses to take a broader view and understand how university students respond to an aggression according to their human responses, and the importance of viewing the human being as a holistic individual.


nursing; students; impact on health; public health; dating abuse

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